Application disponible

Freelance Mohamed habib Marouani

Email vérifié

Mohamed habib Marouani

3.4/5 (2 Avis)
Membre depuis le 3 avril 2024
Niveau de profil 100%
🌱I’m currently learning NestJS 

👨‍💻All of my projects are available HERE

📝I regularly write articles on

📫How to reach me

⚡Fun fact I Prefer Dark mode cause light attracts bugs
0 Projets en cours
2 Projets terminés
0 Projets annulés

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Contacter le freelance

Projets réalisés

Mohamed Habib | My Portfolio

Mohamed Habib | My Portfolio
Appointment Booking App | React Native mobile application

Appointment Booking App | React Native mobile application
Eco-Clicko Website | Web Application for Eco-Games

Eco-Clicko Website | Web Application for Eco-Games
Coaching Website | NextJs website

Coaching Website | NextJs website


Full Stack JavaScript Web Developer

  •  PROXIWEB ,Tunisia
  •  Nov 2023 - Juil 2024

* Lead development projects and architect seamless integration of
Next.js, GraphQL, REST APIs, Node.js, Express.js and PostgreSQL.
* Implement front-end interfaces using Next.js and develop robust back
end solutions with Node.js, Express.js, and PostgreSQL
* Decompose project requirements into actionable tasks prioritize
based on project timelines, conduct code reviews, testing and
debugging to ensure high-quality code

EcoClicko - Startup for Ecology Games

  •  EcoClicko
  •  Oct 2023 - Nov 2023

* Designing responsive web pages to provide users with an immersive
and user-friendly experience.
* Implementing a robust authentication system using JSON Web
Tokens (JWT), including user registration, account verification, and
password reset with a secure Node Mailer solution.
* Integrating a payment feature in collaboration with the "Payme"
service to contribute to the financial support of the game.
* Creating and maintaining APIs for both the backend and frontend to
ensure smooth and efficient communication.
* Deploying the website on cloud servers to ensure constant

Full Stack JavaScript Intern Developer and Scrum Master

  •  Doctor and Patient Appointment System
  •  Juil 2023 - Août 2023

* Creating mobile interfaces using React Native.
* Developing appointment booking forms and scheduling interfaces.
* Implementing real-time appointment notifications with WebSocket
* Using Three.js to create a 3D model of the human body to assist
patients in selecting their condition.
* Integrating third-party libraries and APIs for additional features.
Contributing to visual design using the Adobe Creative Suite.
* Building a robust backend with Node.js and Express.js for API


Full Stack JavaScript Development Bootcamp Certificate

  •  ReBootKamp (RBK)
  •  Mar 2023 - Août 2023

Full Stack JavaScript Development Bootcamp Certificate

Avis des clients



Création d un site web et application

  • //
  • 25 juillet 2024
    • Le prestataire a-t-il eu un comportement professionnel ?
    • Que pensez-vous de la qualité du travail rendu ?
    • La date de livraison a-t-elle été respectée ?
    • Êtes-vous satisfait du prestataire ?




Creer une application et dite web

  • //
  • 25 juillet 2024
    • Le prestataire a-t-il eu un comportement professionnel ?
    • Que pensez-vous de la qualité du travail rendu ?
    • La date de livraison a-t-elle été respectée ?
    • Êtes-vous satisfait du prestataire ?
