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Freelance linkedin-hamza-gaddour

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Membre depuis le 13 juillet 2024
Niveau de profil 100%

I am a self-employed, self-motivated, and self-taught with graduation degree from university, developer who is passionate about full stack web mobile development and figuring out solutions to improve usability and functionality of websites and systems. I am also easy going and enjoy collaborating with team members to get projects done in a timely manner.

Being self-employed for the last few years has molded me into a goal oriented and hard working problem solver who always figures out a solution to an issue. I am a loyal team player and passionate coder through and through. I am also a quick learner who is results-driven.

0 Projets en cours
0 Projets terminés
0 Projets annulés

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Contacter le freelance


Full-stack Developer

  •  CMG Mind
  •  Août 2020 - Juil 2022

WEB development on package projects on behalf of CMG Mind.

Full-stack Developer

  •  BonGest
  •  Août 2022 - Juil 2023

Development of an ERP specific to the client’s needs. The solution allows
computerize and automate the management processes specific to the company's activity.

Full Stack Developer

  •  Août 2023 - Présent

MOBILE/WEB development on package projects on behalf of CMG Mind.


Licence, Sciences Informatique

  •  Sep 2016 - Juin 2019