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Freelance Ismail Majdoub

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Ismail Majdoub

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Membre depuis le 20 novembre 2024
Niveau de profil 100%

I am Ismail Majdoub, a passionate video producer with four years of experience in creating compelling visual content. I thrive on the challenge of transforming ideas into engaging stories through the lens of my camera.
check my portfolio
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Contacter le freelance



  •  Nef Lens
  •  Déc 2021 - Présent

- Film and capture video footage using appropriate equipment such as cameras, etc.
- Plan and script videos based on communication objectives.
- Edit and edit video footage to create consistent and engaging finished products.
- Add transitions and graphics to enhance the quality and impact of videos.
- Select and organize video footage to create a smooth and consistent narration.
- Add sound effects, music, and soundscapes to enhance the visual experience.
- Design graphic elements such as logos, banners, posters, flyers, etc.
- Create attractive layouts for printed materials such as brochures, magazines, flyers,

Computer Technician

  •  Computer Office
  •  Jan 2019 - Nov 2021

- Installation, configuration, and maintenance of operating systems such as Windows, Linux,
- Troubleshoot hardware and software issues on desktops, and laptops.
- Installation, configuration, and maintenance of common desktop software such as Office suites (Microsoft Office), web browsers, email clients, etc.
- Backup and recover important user data and set up regular backup policies.
- Technical assistance to end users, including training on the use of software and computer equipment


  •  Studio El Ferdaws
  •  Nov 2017 - Déc 2018

- Determine the appropriate subject, location, equipment, and lighting conditions for the shot.
- Use technical and artistic skills to compose visually appealing images, taking into account elements such as
composition, lighting, and perspective.
- Guide subjects to achieve desired poses and expressions, creating a comfortable and collaborative environment.
- Configure cameras, lenses, and accessories to achieve the desired results, adjusting parameters such as aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.
- Take a series of photos using different techniques and angles to provide a variety of options to choose from when making
the final selection.
- Select the best photos of the session and retouch them if necessary to improve quality and appearance, by adjusting
brightness, contrast, and color levels.


Licence Appliqué en Technologie de L'informatique, Multimédia et Développement Web

  •  Institut Supérieur des Eudes technologiques de Mahdia

Baccalauréat, Informatique

  •  Lycée Ibn el Haythem