Projets réalisés
http://www.portalite.frYochbee - Banking App
https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/13315-pRkVoussQb9VlzSrVukgpW-RbokCazys - Social Media App
tech lead
Project: Cooptalite is a SaaS social recruiting platform and co-optation platform that rewards users for recommending candidates. It is a Made-in-France solution that helps companies find the best talent.
My role here combines leadership and hands-on development, allowing me to drive both the strategy and execution of our Project.
Job Summary as TechLead / Full stack developer:
setting up project architecture and environment
Designing and adjusting the UI/UX
Developing custom hooks and components based on the required specification
Integration of IAM roles and permission
Integration of SocketIO architecture for Real-Time chat, notification, and real-time statistics
Maintaining and optimization of the solution for better performance and scalability.
Developing REST API based on specifications.
Maintaining the security of the services with custom middleware based on IAM
Integration of message broker Kafka for facturation
Integration of GitAction for automatization of deployment and cron script
Database Administration
Set up MongoDB on a local Linux VPS and set up a replica set of MongoDB
Developing an MVP React native application
full stack developper
full-stack Developer (ReactJS / SpringBoot)
Utina is a company specialized in designing and implementing financial solutions using a component-based platform that makes complex applications easier to use and deploy.
Job Summary as Front-End Developer:
-Developing customizable modern solutions.
-Fixing bugs and improving existing software.
-Maintaining and upgrading the existing Financial Solutions.
-Working closely with other developers and consultants.
-Producing clean, efficient code based on specifications.
-Work quickly and carefully to complete the requested task in short period, collaborate with colleagues, and suggest new solutions to improve existing solution.
-Perform UI designs and coding, creating reusable components, custom hooks and templates,
-Optimization of web applications for performance and scalability
Job Summary as Back-End Developer:
-Developing REST API based on specifications.
-Kafka, PostgreSQL...
tools: putty, winSCP, postgreSQL, VScode, intellij IDEA