Web Developer
• Developed a full-stack web application using Angular, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, and Postman for API testing.
• Collaborated with team to create personalized CV generation tool for organizations, enhancing user experience.
• Implemented version control with Git and containerization with Docker for efficient project management.
Web Developer
• Developed a full-stack, multi-vendor e-commerce application using the MERN stack for Université de Jendouba.
• Integrated Cloudinary for image management, Stripe for payment processing, and Socket.io for real-time messaging.
• Enhanced user experience by implementing responsive design and optimizing site performance.
Web Developer
• Developed an enhanced admin panel for the Kick platform, managing tasks like off days, check-ins, and vacations.
• Reduced administrative processing time by 30% and improved platform efficiency by 25% for over 100 employees.
• Implemented remote work strategies to ensure seamless collaboration and productivity.
Bachelor, Computer Science